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From second grade playing sports, football, basketball, track to
baseball! The gym has always been my sanctuary! Being apart of
a team has always been my mission. Playing college ball was a
dream; attending college studying business, education & sports
science was a blessing!
As of now I’m an Entrepreneur, business coach & online fitness
coach. I have been a personal trainer going on 10 years. Helping
hundreds of people achieve mind blowing results.
Giving them the education on fitness, nutrition, mindset &
accountability! Providing a system to allow them to stay focus
through all the adversity life throws at us.
I’m now working with a childhood friend who I have I always
looked up to. We both struggled with losing our parents from
diabetes & cancer. Our goal is to create a holistic approach to
getting better. Allowing you guys to take control over your
situation. With great supplementation to get you off the meds. A
great training system to build your body. Nutrition information
to change the way you go about eating. And the mindset &
accountability coaching to inspire you to be better. Good luck on
your journey!

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Personal Development Coach


King TY Fitness


3SIX5 Fitness


King Ty Fitness


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